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1 Science Activity to delight your 5 or 15 year old


Bubble Science: A Fun Indoor Activity for the Whole Family!

making a bubble inside a bubble
hello wonderful

Did you know that the largest free-floating bubble, according to the Guinness World Record, measured a whopping 96 cubic meters? That's roughly the same volume as two bus cabins! And here's another impressive feat: 417 people once squeezed inside a single bubble at the same time.

The art of bubble making involves mastering two key elements: the soap solution and the bubble wand. Surprisingly, a bit of science is needed to enhance both components.

Now, before you dismiss bubble making as an outdoor activity requiring the space of two buses, let me share a secret. We're not talking about floating bubbles; we're talking about bubbles that grow from the ground up. Perfect for indoor fun! You can gather around any non-carpeted surface, whether it's the kitchen countertop or any hard floor.

From an education perspective we like this activity because it enhances the following skills:

  • Becoming more detail-oriented

  • Experimenting with many variables akin to mental juggling but not in the frustrating way

  • Fine motor skill development as bubbles can be unforgiving to a rough touch

  • Coordinating efforts as a bubble can only survive in this world for so long, working together to make it grow is key.

Now Let's Get Started:

Step 1: Clean the Surface Ensure the surface is free of dust particles. The cleaner, the better the chance for your bubbles to grow.

Step 2: Make the Soap Mixture Create a soap mixture using kitchen soap – the really sudsy kind. Add water to loosen it up. To make your bubbles more resilient, experiment with ingredients like sugar, corn starch, or glycerin from the pharmacy. The key is to find the best mix that keeps a bubble from resisting its natural urge to pop!

Step 3: Prepare Your Wand We're not talking about the running around while waving the wand here. This is an indoor huddled on the floor no risk to the family vase kind of activity so grab a variety of straws to see which works best. If you want to go pro, we recommend cutting off the squeezer of a plastic pipette and blowing through the narrow end for great results.

Step 4: Let the Bubbling Begin Ensure the surface is dust-free, smooth, and wet. Dip your straws gently into the solution, being cautious not to cause the solution to bubble prematurely. Place the straw's tip on the surface and start blowing. It's a fantastic activity for solo, siblings, father & son, mother & daughter, or the entire family.

if you are looking for some more delightful ideas, check out our blog page here.

And in case you were wondering how far you can take it, the title for the largest family-made bubble is still up for grabs! Get ready to entertain, provoke some friendly rivalry, and enjoy quality family time which is why we picked this 1 Science Activity to delight your 5 or 15-year-old. Happy bubbling!

Got a birthday coming up? Don't have the time to plan it yourself? We're here to help! Have a look at our perfectly curated packages where we bring the science and the fun up a notch!


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